Go Metro to the Music Center!

As much as we love Los Angeles, the traffic and parking is always a challenge – And a frustrating and expensive one at that.  So whenever we can, we try to take the Metro.  With stops at Civic Center and Grand Park, Metro is one of the easiest methods for getting downtown to The Music Center.  Check out our travel tips on our website for more information and start planning your route!

And since we love Metro riders so much, we regularly work with Metro to offer special Destination Discounts around our shows and events.  Right now Metro riders can “tap and save” 20% off tickets to Ballet Preljocaj this weekend.  Just show your TAP card at the box office and you snag the deal!

Check out Metro’s website for more details and keep an eye out for more cool perks to come!

Ballerinas Love Metro! image source
Ballerinas Love Metro!
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